Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ignorance is bliss.

 The other day I went over to my parent's house. My dad was out and I was just hanging out with my mom. After watching an hour of a show about strange diseases (at an abnormally loud volume), I had a headache and decided to use my laptop. While surfing the web, I used Skype to call my husband to make sure he threw dinner in the oven. Well, I guess my mic wasn't working right because my husband just kept saying, "Hello, are you there? I don't think your mic is working." Thanks babe! So, he started to tell me how to fix it... unsuccessfully. My mom looked over at me with a confused look on her face. Me: "What's wrong, Mom?" Mom: "How is that computer talking to you?"  Of course I have to laugh at her. Me: "It isn't talking to me. I am on a phone call with Jason over the internet." Mom: "Is it a video?" Again... laughing at her! "Nope, it isn't a video. It is just like a phone call but the laptop takes the place of the receiver." She was so confused. "How does the internet know that you needed to talk to Jason?" <sigh> I had to end the call. It was too much for her.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I got the golden ticket!!!!

  I feel very unlucky. It seems like every time something good happens, several bad things are always on the horizon. I try not to let it get me down... but sometimes my happiness it thwarted by unfortunate circumstances. When is my luck going to improve? Will it? Maybe I should start buying lottery tickets? Can you be unlucky and still win? I may have to try it once or twice. Even if I win a dollar, it will make me feel like my losing streak has come to an end.
 As I am typing this out, it has made me realize where I have gone wrong. My glass is half empty! I need to have a half full glass. I have a great husband. I have four healthy and happy (at least most of the time) kids. There are so many people in this world that could only dream of having a happy marriage..... or at the very least a legally recognized marriage! Many people cannot have kids and envy the fact that I could easily have 4.  Material wealth aside, I am rich. That lottery ticket is not sounding like such a bad idea right now. Maybe I am not so unlucky after all.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I think we're alone now.... doesn't seem to be anyone around.

  Today, I had a really crappy day at work. So did most of my co-workers... and my husband..... and my daughter! What the hell is in the air today?! I didn't want to bring my bad mood home so I did what any self-respecting woman would do. I turned on my 80's channel on Pandora and listened to some awesome music. Miraculously, my bad mood has disappeared and I am now happily dancing and singing. Thank you Pandora!