Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Can't Get No Satisfaction.......

  The title sucked you in... didn't it?! Well, get your mind out of the gutter, haha!!! I was actually talking about my job. I love 95% of the people I work with. I like parts of my job (other parts are really annoying and brainless). It is close to my home and the hours don't bother me. The company is paying me, so that makes me happy. But.......... my job doesn't bring me any joy. I have no passion for what I am doing. I am just collecting a paycheck and it makes me sad. My job doesn't change lives or help people in any way. I really want to do something that is going to change the world or at least help one person. Working in retail is leaving me feeling empty. The biggest concern that most customers at my store have is how are they going to get the biggest discount and "Can I use my coupon?" It frustrates me. There is more severe problems than your useless coupon in this world! UGH!
  I would love to volunteer with at-risk LGBT teens, the HRC, an abused women's shelter, a surrogacy agency or pregnant teens. That would make me feel much more fulfilled. If I could get paid to work at one of those types of places, that would be my ideal job. Why can't I find a paying job doing something that helps people? Am I going to be stuck feeling unfulfilled at work until my kids are older and I have time to volunteer? I want to LOVE my job AND help make a difference. Is that too much to ask for? The once a year volunteering at the Food Bank is not enough for me. That just makes me realize that my job is not cutting it for me. Hence... I can't get noooo, sat-is-faction.

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