Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sushi and Cupcakes!!!!!!

 As I sit here typing this out, I can barely move! We have had a day full of fun and food. Since it is Alexis and Gracie's birthday, we have had too much fun. We went to downtown HB and got cupcakes from Lil Red's. We have not eaten the cupcakes yet, but they look wonderful. We did buy a cake pop for each of us and those were really good!!!! Then, we went to Downtown Disney to visit Build-A-Bear. Gracie made a Hello Kitty (yep, that was my influence on the kid) and Dylan made a dinosaur. They had so much fun. I couldn't stop Jason from buying a HUGE bag of caramel kettle corn. I can't believe how much of it I ate. Good thing I wore my big jeans, haha!
 Alexis had her choice of dinner since it is her birthday and she chose sushi. Good choice, my dear! Since the little kids are not fans of sushi, they got chocolate chip pancakes. We tried a place that is right across the street from our place, Sushi Ya. It was so good. If you are in the area, try it! You will not be disappointed.
 This Saturday, I took a vacation day so I can take Alexis out shopping. Yeah, I am not really looking forward to that. I am not a fan of shopping but like most 15 year old girls, she is a huge shopping fan, haha. I may need some positive thoughts that day!

**** Edit!!!****  We just started eating the cupcakes and they are SOOOOOOOO good! I ate half of the Bananas Foster and the Salted Caramel. Two thumbs up for Lil Red's.
 I smushed the marble cupcake on the left. OOPS!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Being hungry is no joke.

 I have had an interesting week. Most of it is work drama and I am not going there! Every year, the stores in Orange County volunteer their time at the Second Harvest Food Bank. I really didn't want to go because, frankly, taking 3 hours out of my work day means that my paycheck is going to be smaller than normal and we need the cash! I picked up a few extra hours so that I could feel better about volunteering my time and went with my co-workers. I am so glad I did. Not only did I have a blast goofing around with my Macy's peeps but it was good to get out and do something that can really make a difference in someone else's life. Second Harvest feeds over 200,000 people every month! That number astounded me. That is a lot of people that need food. Sadly, in Orange County, over 600,000 people need food. I could have never guessed that there were that many people in Orange County that are going hungry. Seniors make up about 50% of those in need. So scary because most of those people are not able to just go out and get a job because of their age. They are on extremely fixed incomes and most of the income is probably spent on a place to live. I hope to never end up in a position like that... but with the economy the way it has been I don't think that it is too far from any one's reach. Second Harvest is tirelessly working to reach everyone that needs them. I am defintely going to volunteer again and donate food. I want them to reach their goal!!!!
  Visit the Second Harvest web site and see what you can do to help-  http://www.feedingoc.org/

Monday, March 14, 2011

Addicted to crack-cakes.

 March 29th is a big day in my house.... my daughters' birthdays! I think that I deserve a medal for giving birth to two girls (natural childbirth for both, go me!) on the same day twelve years apart. It was a really cool thing.... until Gracie's first birthday. I realized that 12 years apart is too big of a gap for them to have fun doing something together for their birthday. Whatever is going to be fun for Lexie (shopping!) is not fun for Gracie (shopping with a 2 year old, no thanks). So.... I decided that we will celebrate separately this year. I'm not sure what we are doing for either one of them, but as long as we do something with them, it will be good. Lexie has requested cupcakes for her birthday. She is a girl after my own heart! I am a ridiculous fan of Sprinkles. They make me so wondrously happy. I asked Lex if she would be willing to try a new cupcake place and she was cool with that. So, now the question remains....... what place should we try? What if we try it and it isn't as good as Sprinkles? A few people have said to try Crumbs... and that sounds like a great idea if I want to drive to Hollywood. I am definitely considering it. I have been looking at reviews of cupcakeries for the better part of the day and there are a ton of places to choose from.... but it seems like a lot of them are hit or miss. Since we still have some time to decide, if you have any suggestions, let me know! These cupcake connoisseurs need to branch out and try some new crack-cakes.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Long hair does not hide your baldness.

 The reality show "Sister Wives" is back for a second season. I watched the first season and loved to hate it. The husband, Cody, I really didn't care for. When he was on, I would catch myself rolling my eyes incessently. Simply, he annoyed me. His long hair (which was not covering the fact that he had thinning hair) had me shaking my head. His voice grated on my nerves. His goofiness left me wondering what any woman would see in him. How can this man lead his family through the trials and tribulations that reality stardom can bring? I don't think he can. "Behind every great man is a greater woman." This man has 4 great women behind him. His wives are articulate, smart and sensible women. In the Bible it says that the man should be the leader of his household, but we all know that most husbands would be lost without their wives, haha. I don't think that Cody could even function without a wife. Maybe it takes 4 wives to keep his goofy hair under control, lol. On the next show, they are going to talk about the repercussions from coming out as polygamists. I think that private lives should be just that... private. Do I care that they have a plural marriage? No. I really would only care if I had to personally take care of them financially. Then, I would have a problem with the amount of kids that this guy is fathering. If they are self-sufficient, let them do what they want. Even though I am annoyed by Cody, I don't think the law should interfere with his family. I wouldn't want to have a plural marriage (one husband is enough for me!) but consenting adults should be able to make decisions about their lives. Of course, I don't agree with anyone marrying children or animals or corpses, duh! Two consenting adults is the key. I don't care if they are a man and woman, two men, two women, many spouses. Seriously, what they want to do in the bedroom does not concern me! As long as they take care of any kids they have and are productive members of society... live how you want people!
  If any of Cody's wives ever happen to read this... please encourage him to cut his hair. It is really bugging me!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

My victory rolls are not very victorious.....

  I have been trying to get my hair up in victory rolls for a LONG time. My hair has other ideas. No matter how much product I use it does not want to look good! I have watched endless videos on it and still have not been successful. I have decided that fake rolls (ie, combs that poof out my hair and make it look like something is rolled in there, haha) is as close as I am going to get. So, I guess I will just continue to be a billy poser with fake rolls. Okay.... back to the bassy, zombie-loving rockabilly that I love!!!!!