Monday, March 14, 2011

Addicted to crack-cakes.

 March 29th is a big day in my house.... my daughters' birthdays! I think that I deserve a medal for giving birth to two girls (natural childbirth for both, go me!) on the same day twelve years apart. It was a really cool thing.... until Gracie's first birthday. I realized that 12 years apart is too big of a gap for them to have fun doing something together for their birthday. Whatever is going to be fun for Lexie (shopping!) is not fun for Gracie (shopping with a 2 year old, no thanks). So.... I decided that we will celebrate separately this year. I'm not sure what we are doing for either one of them, but as long as we do something with them, it will be good. Lexie has requested cupcakes for her birthday. She is a girl after my own heart! I am a ridiculous fan of Sprinkles. They make me so wondrously happy. I asked Lex if she would be willing to try a new cupcake place and she was cool with that. So, now the question remains....... what place should we try? What if we try it and it isn't as good as Sprinkles? A few people have said to try Crumbs... and that sounds like a great idea if I want to drive to Hollywood. I am definitely considering it. I have been looking at reviews of cupcakeries for the better part of the day and there are a ton of places to choose from.... but it seems like a lot of them are hit or miss. Since we still have some time to decide, if you have any suggestions, let me know! These cupcake connoisseurs need to branch out and try some new crack-cakes.

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