Monday, February 28, 2011

Half of 70.

   I used to feel so young.... then I turned 35. I lost a very close friend and I wish I could get our friendship back. Gravity is always going to hold a special place in my life. Gravity used to be kind to me, but now he (it HAS to be a he!) has abandoned me. I found a white (not gray) hair. I tried to rationalize, "It looks kinda blonde," but I knew the truth. I am starting to look older.
The music IS loud now. I don't leave to go out after 10pm because it's TOO late. The clubs are FULL of hoochies. No amount of alcohol can make me dance (I am sure you ALL appreciate that, haha). When I go to a bar, I like to sit with my drink at the bar. Make friends with the bartender. You know, socialize! I like to go where everybody knows my name and they are always glad you came. {I have to take a little break to go listen to the Cheers theme song....... ok, I'm back and I feel a little happier now!} Does all of that make me old? Probably, but I don't care.
  No matter how many people think I am still in my 20's, it doesn't change the fact that I am getting older. I mean, seriously, what SHOULD a 35 year old woman look like? A co-worker told me the other day that she thought I looked about thirty. She said someone told her I was 25 and she told them I look older than that. LOL. I love her for that!!!!

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