Sunday, February 6, 2011

How can I be so low-tech?

 Tonight I borrowed my husband's cell phone so I could text my daughter when I came to pick her up. I was trying to text, "getting off the freeway now" and instead I sent, "get".... I accidentally sent it instead of pushing the space button. OOPS. Then, when I actually got to the house, instead of texting "here" I texted, "hide". Since she is blond, that totally confused her! She thought I really wanted her to hide and so she wasn't going to come out to the car, lol.
 I feel really stupid that I can't figure out how to work a cell phone. I am a fairly intelligent, thirty-ish year old and I can't figure out what all those little teeny, tiny buttons mean! Maybe it is for the best that I don't have a cell of my own, haha. Do they have a "cell phones for dummies" book?

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